Sponsorship will be running for the Winter 2025 term!

Each term, the Engineering Society allocates a certain percentage of the budget towards the Sponsorship Fund. This fund goes towards supporting University of Waterloo student teams and groups. All University of Waterloo student teams and groups are eligible to receive sponsorship. Any student team or group who is interested in applying to the fund should fill out the sponsorship form below.

Groups who are interested in receiving funding must submit an application and video below, and then will be given a week to answer questions from the sponsorship committee.

  • Proposals Due: February 24th, 2025

The Sponsorship Committee consists of 6 at-large student members (any engineering undergraduate student is eligible to run for a position and to sit on this committee), and is chaired by the on-term VP Finance. The job of the Committee is to allocate the sponsorship funds for the term. You must attend the above EngSoc Council Meeting to be elected to this committee.

Looking for reimbursement for sponsorship expenses? Teams who have been allocated sponsorship simply need to print off this form, fill it out, and send it to the VP Finance with all relevant receipts attached. Any questions can be directed to vpfinance@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

Any supporting proposal documents can be emailed to vpfinance@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca