Director Budget Requests


The way that the Engineering Society budget process works is that all directors who will be requiring any money for a directorship in the Winter term must submit a budget request to their Society’s VP Finance. This request will be an outline of all projected expenses and, if applicable, income for your directorship. After the VP Finance receives all submissions, they will review the submissions and create a proposed budget for the entire society, which will be brought forward for Council’s approval at the first EngSoc Council meeting of the term. Prior to the meeting, if any modifications to a director’s request are required, the VP Finance may go over them with the director and/or their commissioner.

As a director, for you to be able to spend any money on your directorship in the upcoming term and be reimbursed, you must submit a budget. If you do not submit a budget, you won’t be able to have any reimbursable expenses associated with your directorship. So if you are planning on spending money, be sure to submit a budget!

Please fill it out the EngSoc Budget Proposal with all projected income and expenses, and email it to the VP Finance. If you have any questions or need any guidance, please feel free to ask your commissioner or executive and the VP Finance.

If you need a better idea on how to budget for your directorship, you can find past budget information here. Once you have been allocated money and the budget has been approved by the council, you can be reimbursed for your directorship-related expenditures. In order to be reimbursed, please print and fill out an expense statement, or pick up a form in the orifice. You should attach receipts or other proof of purchase to the back of the form (copies are acceptable), sign the bottom of the form certifying correct information, and then hand the form to the VP Finance’s drop-box in-person in the Engineering Society Office, CPH 1327. If all the information is well-filled out and there is a budgeted amount left to reimburse you from, the VP Finance will issue a cheque, which you can pick up in-person or have mailed to you.

If the total amount you need to spend is large and you require assistance, you may request help from the executive or you may fill out an expense statement requesting payment be made out to another person or company.

Budgets are a very important part of the directorship planning process, so please let the VP Finance or your commissioner know if you have any questions.