Helloooooo B-Society! Welcome back to campus! We have so much in store and are so excited that it’s Spring (borderline summer, now!).
Exam Bank Raffles are back! For those who don’t remember, last Fall we gave away $100 worth of movie passes. We’re going to do the same thing this term. Submit your exams by Jun. 3, 2015 to be eligible to win!

How: Email PDFs to exambank@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca
Please Include:
- Name
- Student ID
- Waterloo Email
- Course Code
- Instructor
- Submission Type [e.g. Quiz, Midterm, Exam, Other]
- Solutions Included [e.g. Yes, No]
If you submit 100 legitimate entries, our exam bank director will personally take you out to dinner!
- Each submission will give you one entry for the end of the month raffles.
- Solutions will garner you another entry.
- For every 5 submissions, you also get an extra entry.
- For every 10 submissions, you get an extra entry on top of the 2 you get from the 5x multiplier.
- Submissions can be for any department in Engineering and any electives. Old and new are both welcomed. If you find something before 1990’s, you will get 5 entries.
What are you waiting for? Email exambank@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca today 🙂