A-SOC Fall 24 By-Election Announcement

Good afternoon to all members of Waterloo’s Engineering ‘A’ Society !

First off, I hope everyone had a great and (hopefully) refreshing summer before our upcoming study term. I’m Katerina, and I am your CRO for Fall 2024. Feel free to ask me any questions about running for candidacy, or any other questions surrounding A-Soc’s upcoming elections.

Onto the reason for today’s announcement:

What’s Happening?

The current A-Society President, Tyler West is resigning from his position. As a result, the current A-Soc executive team intents to hold a by-election to fill the role for the remainder of the Fall term.

What’s next?

As per Bylaw II Section J.3, seeing as the resigning president is within the final 8 months of their position, a motion will be presented at Council #1 (September 17th) for council to determine if a by-election is held. If the motion passes, a by-election will be held immediately following council’s decision. 

Given that the Executive team is in the last 4 months of their tenure, time is crucial for this election. The Executive team in putting forth this motion, expects it will most likely pass, and as such, this notice is to solicit candidates before the anticipated by-election at Council #1.

Candidates eligible for presidency may be nominated at Council #1.


An individual must:

  • Be in their 2B study term
  • Have been successfully promoted from their previous academic term and not be on academic probation; OR have attained at least a sixty-five percent (65%) term average in their previous academic term
  • Be an On-Term student in Fall 2024

Duration of Service

The by-elected President will start their term of service immediately following the by-election and will end on the last day of the Fall 24 examination period, December 20th, 2024.

Second By-Election

The A-Soc VP Academic is intending to run for President. If elected, a by-election for the VP Academic position will also likely occur at Council #1. In the event this occurs, this notice also serves to solicit candidates for the secondary by-election at Council #1. 

The VP Academic role has the same eligibility requirements as the President role. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this upcoming by-election or the general election coming up, please feel free to contact me at cro.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.