The following are the candidates in the election for EngSoc exec:
Delainey Lindstrom-Humphries
Hi everyone! My name is Delainey and I am running to be your next EngSoc President! I have become increasingly involved in the society throughout my adventure here at UWaterloo having served as a director, conference delegate, and as the current Outreach Commissioner. I have the passion and commitment needed to make the society a better place for everyone. My goal is to bridge current gaps I see within the society to provide the best student experience possible with a focus on:
- Community: improving the sense of community and support experienced across engineering
- Significance: focusing more on the services we offer and having new opportunities to reach a broader student audience
- Mental Health: support the importance of mental wellness across engineering and have open communication with students to address our diverse range of needs
- Sustainability: have a sustainable focus for the use of the society’s resources and push to reduce our landfill contributions
For more information about how I plan to make these goals a reality please check out my website and follow my social media accounts. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime and I am looking forward to shaping the society’s future!
Anastasiya Mihaylova
Hi everyone! I’m Anastasiya, I’m in 3A GeoEng and I’m running to be your next EngSoc President! Over the past 3 years, I have been involved with the Society as class rep, commissioner, engineering liaison for campus-wide initiatives, director, and conference delegate. I learned a lot about how our society runs and I’m excited for the opportunity to implement my ideas on the future of EngSoc.
Some points I want to focus on as President:
- Training and awareness in mental health and inclusivity for students and staff across all engineering departments,
- Building community relations by connecting with student teams, alumni and sponsors,
- Developing engineering traditions and school spirit.
I’m very passionate about the Engineering Society and I know I can help it grow and improve in the years to come.
I want to hear your thoughts and questions! Get in touch with me via my Facebook page or via my email
Amanda Morin
VP Communications
Hi everyone, I’m Amanda, from Software 2022, and I’m running for VP Communications! Through this role, I want to increase the reach of advertising throughout the faculty, and to increase knowledge of and takeaways from conferences.
Currently, I am serving as the Advertising Commissioner. In this role, I have continued to advertise effectively for the society, while implementing inclusivity and outreach initiatives. Throughout this term, and if elected, I will push to include inclusivity markers on posters and increase the reach of our advertising out of the current core eng buildings.
I would also work to make conferences more transparent to an average student. We send many students to conferences, but the takeaways are not always seen in the society. I would aim to have each student come back with ideas for improvements stemming from the conference they attend, and EngSoc could work to implement them. As well, I would post any issues being discussed by provincial and federal engineering bodies (ESSCO/CFES) to the website, and create a form for other students to give their thoughts/opinions, so that I would be representing all of the Engineering Society.
For more info on my platform, check out
Andrew Dickson
VP Communications
My name is Andrew Dickson, and I am running for VP Communications.
A bit about me: I was the Outreach Lead for Engineering Ambassadors for over a year, have held several directorship positions with the Engineering Society, and have represented Waterloo at conferences and other external events.
I want to work with the other members of the executive team to increase effective communication in and out of the society, using a combination of social media, face to face, and more formalised systems. EngSoc provides a lot of services (and events) that many students are unaware of. I want to broaden communication channels, to allow the Engineering Society to better showcase the services offered, and to allow the students to give feedback about what they feel would be valuable.
All EngSoc members are also members of external groups such as ESSCO and CFES, these organisations offer great resources. I want to help more Waterloo students harness these resources, make professional connections, attend conferences, and help build the community between schools.
Yonael M. Debebe
VP Communications
Hello reader! I’m Yonael or Yoniiiiii (insert exaggerated motion to knee). I’m in Systems Design Engineering 1B and I want you on my SYDE for the Waterloo Engineering Society Vice President Communications race. Whether or not you’re on my SYDE, I will always be on yours so I will regularly publish an update on the EngSoc website about what I am currently doing for you. Before every conference, I will run an initiative to actively engage with you and understand what your needs, questions, and concerns as a Waterloo A engineering student are. Also, I will take the questions posed by conference applicants and publish a document that addresses how the questions are being addressed. I will also set up a feedback form that will be available throughout my terms so that I can better understand what you think about what I am doing. Finally, everyone has a different idea of how social media should be used by the society so I want to start running a termly initiative to understand how students get their information and expand the avenues that EngSoc uses to advertise in the ever-changing social media landscape. Always on your side
Lindsay Glofcheskie
VP Finance
Hi! I’m Lindsay, I’m in SYDE 21 and I’m running to be your next VP Finance! I plan to draw from my extensive experience with EngSoc and its workings to execute my ideas for improvements. Over the last three years, I’ve been the EngiQueers President, a Novelties Director, a POETS Manager, a Member of the Board of Directors, a Pride Director, a Historian, and more! From my first-hand experience with EngSoc affiliates, I understand their need for funding, so I plan to work with them to investigate external sources of funding. This will provide them with room to grow at their own pace and give them stability in times of uncertain student fees. Additionally, I think Novelties is a wonderful store, but it could benefit from some good old fashioned tender love and care — and also some internet. I’d like to advertise Novelties more, make its stock visible on the EngSoc website, and look into creating a system for reserving products online. I’d also like to make engineering culture more visible in all Society spaces by redecorating, with your help! My experience and passion will help me be an awesome VP Fin for you. Website for more details:
Mathan Murugathasan
VP Finance
As a 3rd year engineering student who has been involved in EngSoc as both a director for various events, and as an Outreach Commissioner, I have gained an understanding of EngSoc, and the impact it has had on students. I want to be able to further contribute to its success, and the impact it has on the student body, by running for VP Finance. My campaign will focus on expanding our student deals, looking into external sponsorships, and continuing to improve POETS as the student body sees fit.
Olamide Olatunbosun
VP Student Life
Hello everyone! If you don’t know me, my name is Olamide Olatunbosun – most people call me Mide (ME-day) – I’m a Chemical Engineering 2023 student, and I want to be your Engineering Society Vice-President of Student Life! I’m a big believer of being an active and engaged member of the community, having done so all my life. There is so much more to school than purely academics, and I love putting together events to allow the student body to destress and have fun! In my short time at Waterloo, I have wasted no time continuing this. I am the Director of Athletics, Outings, and Social Media & Advertising, an Engineering Ambassador, and won the EngSoc First Year Leadership Award for my service in high school and on the UWP Residence Council (of which I am now the VP of Communications). If I were elected as VP SL, I would work to increase student attendance/participation, broaden the variety of events EngSoc runs, and strengthen our presence on social media. I strongly believe that my experience and passion make me an excellent candidate for this position, and I hope you all do too!
Seth Lauzon
WEEF Director
Hi! My name is Seth Lauzon and I am a 2B Mech Student. I have been on the WEEF council, representing my class, since I was in 1A and now I want to advance my affiliation with WEEF by being your new WEEF Director! I understand the importance of WEEF funding when it comes to improving the quality of your University of Waterloo engineering experience. As your
Director, I want to ensure that funding goes to projects that provide genuine engineering experience and furthers the success of the student design teams, first-year initiatives and other extra-curricular opportunities that give our school its great reputation. If you have any questions or suggestions about my campaign, or if you just want to know more about me, feel free to contact me!
Instagram: @sethlauzon